Life Changing Coaching With Stafford Strength

Get in the best shape of your life, for the rest of your life – with help from the best coaching team in Nutrition and Exercise.

Stafford Strengths’ Nutrition coaching via Precision Nutrition is a 1-year program that uses a you centered, habit based approach to help you lose fat, gain strength, and improve your health.

The habit-based curriculum focuses on:

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep

  • Stress Management

  • Mindset

  • Overall Healthy Living

Here’s How It Will Work With Stafford Strength

After purchasing your nutrition plan - we’ll take your complex nutrition goals and break them down into small strategic daily practices that add up to massive transformation. Every day you’ll get a lesson and a habit to practice. Through the program, you’ll gain the habits you need to make your results last a lifetime.

Every Day

  • You’ll receive an email with what’s on deck for the day

  • Log into a personal homepage for more details

  • Practice a habit for the day Read a lesson (which supports the habit)

  • Mark whether or not you’ve read the daily lesson

  • Mark whether on not you’ve done the daily habit.

Every Week

  • Measure and record your progress

  • This can be body measurements, energy levels, mood,or habit consistency

Every Two Weeks

  • You get a new habit to practice

Every Month

  • You’ll upload more progress indicators such as photos, body measurements, etc.

We ask that you practice the new habit for 2 weeks. During this time, we share short lessons and assignments that help understand the habit more deeply and implement it within the context of your life.

Habits and lessons are cumulative and coherent. Each habit/lesson builds skills for future habits/lessons. Later habits/lessons return to themes and ideas from earlier ones. Everything is connected to everything else in a logical progression.

Growth and Development come through daily habits and supporting experiences.

GOAL: Eat better consistently

Let’s say you want to lose weight. You know to lose weight you need to eat better consistently. So that’s your real goal, eat better consistently. But you don’t have all the skills to do so just yet. So you have to break it down into...

SKILL: Hunger and Appetite awareness

Which skills are required to eat better consistently? We’ve identified hunger/appetite awareness as the most important initial skill for making progress.But that’s not quite a concrete thing you can do.So you have to break it down into...

PRACTICES: Eat slowly and satisfy

Stafford Strength uses 2 daily habits to build the skill of hunger and appetite awareness:

  • Habit 1 – Eat Slowly

  • Habit 2 – Eat until satisfied, not stuffed

As part of the new Nutrition program, workouts are now available!

28 expert-designed workout programs for men and women. Fully integrated into ProCoach for one seamless experience. Covers all common goals, skill levels, injuries & limitations.

Programs include HD video demos and detailed written explanations. You can choose harder / easier options for each exercise.

Program Options:

Fat Loss: For individuals looking to primarily lose weight and body fat.

Muscle Gain: For individuals looking to primarily gain muscle size and strength

Lower Injury - Acute: For those with recent, specific, trauma-based injuries or surgeries to the lower body.

Lower Injury - Chronic: For permanent issues and limitations in the lower body.

Lower Injury - Exercise-Induced: For exercise-induced pain in the lower body.

Upper Injury - Acute: For those with recent, specific, trauma-based injuries or surgeries to the upper body.

Upper Injury - Chronic: For permanent issues and limitations in the upper body.

Upper Injury - Exercise-Induced: For exercise-induced pain in the upper body.

Lower Back Injury - Acute: For those with recent, specific, trauma-based injuries or surgeries to the lower back.

Lower Back Injury - Chronic: For permanent issues and limitations in the lower back.

Lower Back Injury - Exercise-Induced: For exercise-induced pain in the lower back.

Recomp - Intermediate: For intermediate-level exercisers looking to lose fat and gain lean mass and strength.

Recomp - Advanced: For advanced-level exercisers looking to lose fat and gain lean mass and strength.

So What Are You Waiting For?

If you’re ready to build a better body and get into control of your health once and for all, we’re here to help!

You’ve tried to do it alone. Now try with someone who’s ready, willing, and able to help you overcome the challenges and difficulties that arise!

Please select a monthly plan or enroll in one full year to begin your tailored nutrition program!

Monthly Subscription


One-time Annual Charge

$999 - Save 15%!